
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

So Many Memories

As you probably can tell by all of the pictures I have posted on the blog, I LOVE taking pictures.  I am not sure if it is because I lost all my baby pictures in a fire when I was young, or if it is the fact that I just cherish every moment that I want to hold onto these moments forever.  Either way, I try to capture as many moments I can.  This is good and bad.  Good because in years to come I will have these captured moments, bad because I have hundreds of photos that I have to go through.  Now, if I was smart I would print off the pictures at the end of every month.  This would make my life easier because there would not be as many photos to go through.  It would also be easier to caption the photos since it would be fresh in my mind.  Luckily Shutterfly time stamps the back of the photos so I do not have to write the date on the photos, provided the date on my camera is correct.   So here it is, this is what I did yesterday.

This huge stack of photos took hours to caption, and sort and put into the albums.  I did not have enough space in the albums on hand to put them all away.  The worst part is, this is only 4 months worth of photos.  I still have 8 months of photos that I have to order, sort, caption, and put into albums.  

These are my shutterfly photobooks and Owen's photo albums from birth minus the albums I worked on yesterday and still need to buy to finish up.  There is about 6 months of pictures in each album.

After I get Owen's pictures all caught up, I have to sort through these photos that have been sitting in this shoe box for years.  They are pictures from high school, Girl Scouts, and other activities from the past 10 years, before my husband and son came along.  One of these days I will get all this sorted and into albums. 

It is nice to have all these memories, and it will be nice when I can get them all sorted and organized.  My hopes are to be all caught up on photo albums before baby #2 is born.  Before more avalanches of photos start rolling in.

1 comment:

  1. I love to take pictures especially of my children.

    We started to make a yearly photo album that you can print off...
    It's huge..with a lot of pages.
