
Saturday, September 21, 2013

DIY Hair bow holder

My wonderful daughter is almost eight weeks old has accumulated a bunch of headbands and they are EVERY WHERE!  I have searched Pinterest and could not find any that I really liked.  Most of what I found used an oatmeal container or a picture frame.

I went through the materials I had on hand and looked at tons and tons of pictures to try to come up with an idea.  I ran to the store to get hooks and saw a fabric memory board to hang pictures on and thought it would look really nice on the wall.  I was going to buy it and just put the hooks in the bottom of it, but it was EXPENSIVE!  Way more than I wanted to pay and I knew I could craft something myself for much cheaper.  The hooks were the most expensive part of this project, but 36 came in the pack, so it was not too bad over all.  The cost varies on what size you make it and also what materials you have on hand.  Many of the materials needed can be found at A.C. Moore and if you use a coupon you can get it really cheap. 

 Materials Needed:
Fabric to cover canvas
Buttons or beads (I used beads)
Staple gun
Drill and drill bit (size varies on hooks)
Needle and thread

 Step 1
 Cut fabric to the size of the canvas leaving room to wrap it around.  Using the staple gun, staple the fabric in place.  Be sure to pull the fabric tight so there are no wrinkles.

Step 2

Measure and cut strips of ribbon.  Measure and mark distance between each ribbon.  (I did this originally but the ribbon moved as I was trying to staple it.)
**Tip** Tape ribbon in place before stapling.

 Step 3
Sew on buttons where the ribbons cross.

Step 4

Measure and mark where the holes for the hooks should be drilled.  Drill holes and screw in the hooks.

Add bows and headbands and hang on the wall.  Step back and admire your creation.  ;)

(Note: This project would also be easier using a hot glue gun or another type of strong glue.) 

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