
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cloth Diapers at Day Care

In August of 2012 I started working full time.  I had to find a day care for Owen.  While looking I mentioned that we cloth diaper.  Pretty much every day care I looked at stated cloth diapers was against state sanitation regulations and they only accept disposable.  At the time I just accepted it.  I mean, why would they lie?  Right before starting him I went out and bought a case of disposable diapers.  He only used them at day care and was put into cloth while at home.  While I was upset about this I felt like there was nothing I could do.

A few months after I quit working I came across a post about cloth diapers at day care facilities and decided to do some research.  I learned that cloth diapers ARE ALLOWED in North Carolina.  The regulations specifically state cloth diapers from parents or cloth diaper service and states how to handle them.  Wow, I wish I knew this then!

One my first day at my new job I walked into the nursery to drop off Charlotte.  I did not even think about asking about the cloth diapers prior to hiring.  I have used cloth for so long and have encouraged several of my friends, (and most recently my cousin) that I forget people still use disposables.  A little while later I mentioned that we cloth diaper, the lady (who is a bit older) didn't even flinch.  She just said o.k.  I pulled the diapers out and showed them to her and she was amazed at how nice modern cloth diapers are.  I bought AIO Aplix Thirsties specifically for day care so they would be easier to change.  I was so happy at how welcoming they were about the diapers.  They were nearly as excited about it as I was.

For those of you that are working and thinking about switching to cloth, or already use cloth and thinking about heading back to work, here are some tips

  1. Mention cloth-  While doing a tour of the facility they typically show you the diaper changing area.  This is the perfect time to mention you cloth diaper and ask if they have anyone else there that uses cloth.  This should lead into whether they approve of cloth at the facility or not.
  2. Know the laws- I was told initially that it is against state regulations, I have since discovered that was false.  Know the laws in your state, be prepared and take a printed copy.  If they state it is against regulations, it might make me question what else they might hide.  There are only 4 that I know of that specifically state cloth can only be used because of medical reasons and has to have a note from medical care provider.  These states include Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire, and Washington, D.C.  I also know most pediatricians are willing to give medical notes if you ask.  
  3. Show them the diapers-  If it is permitted in the area you live in, show them the diapers.  As I mentioned, the day care I currently work at was excited to see the modern cloth diapers and how easy they are.  (I do not suggest sending flats and covers, although I know a few facilities that use them no questions asked.) 
  4. Don't argue-  This is important.  If you explain to the facility it is allowed by state regulations, show them how easy they are, and they still are hesitant, do not argue with them.  This is only more likely to make them not accept cloth or worse, not accept your child.  Calmly and nicely reiterate how simple the cloth diapers are to use.  List the benefits of cloth diapering and your reasoning for using them.  
If these four tips do not sway the perspective child care facility to letting you use cloth there, I say go some where else.  

List of states and links to their regulations.  Some states require contents to be dumped in toilet, while others it's not permitted.

  1. Alabama- Allowed, page 26
  2. Alaska- Allowed. "(5) for soiled clothing or cloth diapers, solid waste contents are disposed of by dumping the contents into a toilet and placing the diapers, without rinsing, in  (A) an impervious bag to be given to the parent for laundering, if applicable" Page 68
  3. Arkansas- Allowed. Section 1107 Page 42
  4. Arizona- Allowed.  Section R9-5-503. Part F. Page 35
  5. California- Allowed.  Page 168
  6. Colorado- Does not specify
  7. Connecticut- Allowed. "When cloth diapers or training pants are used, a plan for their use and care shall be submitted to and approved by the department prior to implementation of the plan." Section 19a-79-10. Part E. Page 32
  8. Delaware- Allowed.  Page 20
  9. Florida- Allowed.  "b. Soiled cloth diapers shall be emptied of feces in the toilet and placed in a securely covered container that is not accessible to children. The container shall be emptied, cleaned and sanitized or disinfected, at least, daily." Page 21
  10. Georgia- Allowed.  Page 24 and 38
  11. Hawaii- Allowed Page 895-42
  12. Idaho- Does not specify
  13. Illinois- Allowed 
  14. Indiana- Allowed (There is an entire section (470 IAC 3-4.7-96 Cloth diapers) just for cloth diapers!) Page 77
  15. Iowa- Allowed.  Page 148
  16. Kansas- Allowed. Page 33
  17. Kentucky- Allowed.  Section 10
  18. Louisiana- Medical  "Only disposable diapers shall be used unless there is a medical contraindication such as allergies." Page 163
  19. Maine- For Medical reasons only. Page 78, Section 22.5.6  
  20. Maryland-Allowed 
  21. Massachusetts- Allowed, Page 66
  22. Michigan- Allowed. Page 13
  23. Minnesota- Not specified
  24. Mississippi- Allowed.  Rule 1.16.2 Contents must be disposed of in toilet. Page 61
  25. Missouri-Allowed.  Page 28
  26. Montana- Allowed.  Page 26
  27. Nebraska- Not specified
  28. Nevada- Allowed. 432A.411 Page 26
  29. New Hampshire- Medical only "(b) Programs shall use home laundered cloth diapers only when disposable diapers are restricted in writing by a child’s parent and the child’s licensed health care practitioner, and a commercial diaper service is not available." Page 84
  30. New Jersey- Allowed. Page 83
  31. New Mexico- Not specified
  32. New York- Allowed. Section 418-1.11 (p) (2)
  33. North Carolina- Allowed. "Caregivers may dispose of feces in diapers in the toilet."  Page 13
  34. North Dakota- Not specified
  35. Ohio- Allowed.  Page 47
  36. Oklahoma- Allowed. "Fecal content may be disposed of in a toilet." Page 28
  37. Oregon- Not specified
  38. Pennsylvania- Allowed.  Section 3270.135
  39. Rhode Island- Allowed.  Page 18
  40. South Dakota- Not specified
  41. South Carolina- Allowed.  Fecal matter disposed of in toilet. 
  42. Tennessee- Not specified.
  43. Texas- Not specified
  44. Utah- Allowed.  Page 24
  45. Vermont- Allowed.  (An entire page!) Page 4 of Appendix C. 
  46. Virginia- Allowed.  Page 56
  47. Washington- Allowed.  Section 170-295-4120
  48. Washington D.C.- Medically required. "(370.3) No Facility may use cloth diapers for any child unless it has obtained a written statement, with supporting documentation, from a particular child’s parent(s) or guardian(s) that cloth diapers are required by the special medical circumstances of that child." Page 003861
  49. West Virginia- Allowed. Page 80
  50. Wisconsin- Allowed.  Page 38
  51. Wyoming- Not specified. 

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