
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Diaper dawgs spray collar review

A couple of weeks ago there was a give away hosted by The Eco ChicDirty Diaper Laundry, The Eco-Friendly Family, The Cloth Diaper ReportChange-Diapers, and Cloth Diaper Geek.  The give away was themed around a cloth diaper baby shower.  The give away was huge, having over 60 prize winners.  I was lucky enough to be one of those winners.  I was fortunate enough to win a three pack of snappies and a Diaper Dawgs spray collar.  The spray collar I was really excited about.  I do not think I would have ever purchased one though, because I have and LOVE the Spray - Pal. I did want to try the spray collar to see how it compared, I just could not justify spending the money on it. 

The spray collar arrived in the mail fairly quick.  I also happened to receive it right after spraying three diapers and starting diaper laundry.  (Which should have been done yesterday but wasn't. ) I don't think I have ever hoped for a poopy diaper, until today.  Fortunately it wasn't long until Charlotte had given me one.  It was time to test out the sprayer. 

So how do I feel about the spray collar? I do not know that I am a fan. My first issue was trying to get the collar to fit on my sprayer.  Not sure that my sprayer really works with the collar.  It does not seem like it is on there to well.   I still managed to make a mess.  It is also kind of awkward to hold the diaper and spray it.  I tried putting the diaper in the toilet and spraying, I tried holding the diaper along the rim, and laying the diaper in the toilet and spraying.  Was not good at of that and still splashed water.  I also do not like that I can't see what I am spraying.  The collar blocks the .  If you pull the collar back away from the diaper you end up with a mess.  However, I love how little it is, how it can stay attached to the sprayer and not take up space.  I dislike that I would have to wipe it out every single time.  With the Spray-Pal I spray off the whole thing and set it aside.  I use a clorox wipe on the Spray-Pal about once a week.   Another disadvantage of the spray collar is that I cannot hang the sprayer back up with the collar on, so I would have to pull it off and put it back on every time as well.

I am going to keep trying to see if I can get the hang of it, but so far I am still a Spray Pal fan. 


  1. I didn't even know this product existed! It does look like it would spray water everywhere, though. I think having to put it on and off everything makes it more work than it should. I think I will stay away from this product. Thanks for the review!

    1. I think I am just too Spray Pal loyal to get in to this product.

  2. I would love to get one of these! Less mess!

  3. Ohh thanks for this review it seems like I've always read very positive reviews... but I wasn't sure how it would fit w my sprayer

  4. I won one of these, now I just need a sprayer to use it with!

  5. I love my spray pal too .I would love to try the finger gloves though.
