
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Birthday giveaway Day 6: Breastfeeding

Yay!  It is September!  This is my birthday month.  In honor of my birthday I am having a huge giveaway.  All of you get to enjoy my birthday month as well.  Enjoy over $300 worth of prizes.

Day 6: Breastfeeding

Today we have another breastfeeding theme giveaway.  As you may or may not know, I am still breastfeeding my daughter.  After a few struggles we are still going.  I want to be able to give to other moms who are breastfeeding as well and encourage this natural and beautiful way to nourish our babies.  

Included in today's giveaway is an Udder Covers nursing cover, a nursing bracelet, two Mother's Lounge nursing pads, a sample of Lansinoh lanolin cream, a sample of Lansinoh storage bags, and a Medela coupon for help with breastfeeding.  Retail Value of $60. 


  1. I have never used cloth nursing pads, but it would be something I would try. This is my first pregnancy, and I do plan on using a nursing cover when I'm not at home. Thanks!

  2. I use a nursing cover when I pump in the car lol :)

  3. I use my nursing cover often. I loved my cloth nursing pads!

  4. I will use a cover when I am in public, and no I have not used cloth nursing pads, although I am leaning towards them. Thanks!

  5. I have tried using cloth nursing pads before, but they leaked, and once I started cloth diapering months later I learned that the fabric softener I was using was clogging the cloth. Going to use cloth this time around though! And I never used a nursing cover; never really BF in public.

    1. Fabric Softener does affect absorbency and as you have learned should not be used on cloth diapers or nursing pads. In addition you should not use it on your towels. Same thing applies. Anything you want to be absorbent you shouldn't use fabric softener. One alternative to fabric softener would be to add wool balls to your dryer. They will also help dry the clothes faster too. :)

  6. I use bamboobies cloth nursing pads and love them! I have another brand (can't remember what brand) and didn't really like that brand. They were scratchy.

    My son does not like to be covered. I usually cover myself and then pull the cover off. Otherwise he doesn't stay latched.

  7. I love cloth nursing pads. I use a cover out in public unless it's with others moms

  8. This is our first. Not born yet so I can't answer definitively but I plan to use cloth nursing pads. I am not sure about covers. It will depend on my level of comfort with breastfeeding when I have to be outside of the home. I will probably just use blankets as covers.

  9. I used a nursing cover with my first 2 all the time and with my third I only us it when we are at a restaurant or I am trying to nurse baby to sleep.

  10. I did not use a.cover last time & had cloth pads but never leaked so they were never used :(

  11. Love cloth nursing pads! So much nicer than disposable. I used a nursing cover if anyone besides my husband was around.

  12. i only use a cover when im out and then it depends on the location and who i'm with... and i just use a blanket. as for breast pads. bamboobies all the way. i have some diy ones and 2 pairs of bamboobies as my 'goingout' pads!

  13. I love using cloth nursing pads and make my own.

  14. yes i have and plan to with my next child!!

  15. Cloth nursing pads are what I will be using.
