
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Birthday Giveaway Day 7: Prefolds and cover

Yay!  It is September!  This is my birthday month.  In honor of my birthday I am having a huge giveaway.  All of you get to enjoy my birthday month as well.  Enjoy over $300 worth of prizes.

When I first started thinking about cloth diapering, my husband was hesitant because he thought about the "old fashion" style of diapers with pins.  When I started I started with Grovia AI2.  I then found pockets.  They became my number one go to diaper.  Through Kelly's Closet I received free diapers and this broadened my knowledge of styles of diapers.  When I became pregnant with my daughter I purchased a bunch of AIO newborn diapers thinking they would be easier.  They were of course.  My husband loved them because he didn't have to stuff diapers.  Then I took the Flats and Hand-washing Challenge and learned about flats and pre-folds. After the challenge I packed all of my microfiber inserts into a bin and put them in the closet.  I liked the absorbency and the ease of washing that came with the natural fibers in the flats and pre-folds.  (although my husband refuses to fold and stuff diapers now.)   A few months ago I helped do laundry for one of my friends right after she had a baby.  In her diaper stash she had these bamboo pre-folds made by Grovia and I decided I needed to try them.  When I got home I bought one pack at first.  She told me she uses the size 2, so that is what I bought.  Size 2 is recommended for infants.  I mostly use these stuffed in my pockets, but they are awesome.  Trim and absorbent.  

The Snappi-  Last year I won a pack of Snappis at the Great Cloth Diaper Change.  They sat unopened until this year when I did the Flats and Hand-washing Challenge.  These things are awesome.  They have plastic hooks on each end and fasten to the diaper to hold it in place.  They are pretty easy to figure out after a couple of tries.  

Here are pictures from Snappi's website on how to use these.  

Hook Left
Hook Right
Hook Center

Included in today's giveaway is a Rumparooz OS diaper cover  in Powder color, one pack of 3 Snappis, and one pack of 3 Grovia Pre-folds, Size 2.    


  1. I love prefolds and covers. My favorite prefolds are grovia because they are so squishy soft and they hold so much!

  2. I prefer their affordability! Most of my stash is going to at least start off with them as the bulk. Then I'll see which I prefer once baby is born!

  3. I initially started with Softbums and pods. Now I use any prefold or flats inside and like them much better for drying! We use pockets at now, but I like getting a few uses during the day.

  4. Prefolds & covers.are my favorite they r my go to for absorbency - naps car rides. .. a little bulky though

  5. We use prefolds and covers with both kids. We love it!

  6. my favorite way is a cover nd prefolds

  7. I never used prefolds or covers...but would love to try them :)

  8. I have never used prefolds or covers, but I did buy some to include in my first cloth diaper stash because from what I read these are good to have around for when you need extra absorbency, or when you are behind on laundry. We will see how it goes! Love the snappi GIF. Thanks!

  9. I personally prefer all-in-twos like Best Bottom and Buttons Diapers, but I do have some prefolds in my stash. And I use my Best Bottom inserts in all my other covers. - Heather Johnson

  10. We pretty much exclusively use prefolds and covers. When we started it was all pockets and I thought prefolds were scary, but they are so much easier! I just stack the prefolds and put our covers in the basket on my daughter's changing table and diaper laundry is done. I don't miss stuffing at all:)

  11. I Would love to try prefolds/cover on my skinny thigh baby :)

  12. I've been wanting to get some prefolds to try in some of the pocket diapers I have that leak.

  13. Fingers crossed to win! So I can try prefolds :)

  14. Still waiting on baby but we plan to use prefolds and covers at some point. Especially in the newborn stage

  15. It's only recently that I learned that snappis come in different sizes!! I thought it was one size fits all. :) Thanks!

    1. Lol! I didn't know that!!
      You learn something new every day ;)

  16. We use prefolds and covers during the day. When our son was born they were the only diaper system we used. When he was 12 months we started using aio or pockets at night because they wicked away moisture and absorbed better, therefore giving him a full nights sleep. We will use prefolds and covers for baby #2 when they arrive.

  17. I love prefolds. Easy to clean and to use.

  18. I've never used prefolds before, but I am always looking for ways to grow my new diaper stash!

  19. Yes! Prefolds and covers are my favorite!

  20. I have never used prefolds but plan on getting some.

  21. We actually started using refolds and covers and now use flats and covers mainly!

  22. I used prefolds and covers when my daughter was an infant. As she got older I switched to pockets.

  23. I haven't used prefolds and covers yet but I'm thinking about it!

  24. Baby Girl isn't here yet...but we don't plan on using prefolds regularaly. I do have a couple of covers though and we may every once in awhile...we shall see!

  25. I have used prefolds and covers. I prefer them with my ebf baby as there was a lot more diapers to change and they can just be thrown in the wash without having to spray.

  26. I haven't use prefolds but wouldn't mind trying them

  27. I haven't used either yet as I am building my stash in anticipating of my newborn being born in december

  28. I've used prefolds as inserts but not with covers yet. Would love to try! :D

  29. I got my prefolds and snappis in the mail today, and I am beyond excited. Gotta start practicing how to use them!

  30. I use prefolds and a cover at night time and I love it. No leaks so far.

  31. I love prefolds and covers. I always trifold. I like all types of cloth equally. I do use these a lot.
    Kari Barone

  32. I like to use prefolds and cover at home.

  33. Haven't used, but have gotten a handful as a start to my stash, going to be used relatively soon, I hope!

  34. I love our prefolds & covers they are 99% of our stash :)

  35. I use them 50% of the time. I love prefolds and covers! They hold up so much better (no leaks). We use prefolds and covers at bedtime!

  36. ive used fitteds and covers but we dont have any prefolds

  37. I would love to try a cover and prefolds on a newborn, but I love them for my older little one!

  38. I have used them and I prefer them for both laundry simplicity and simplicity of use. I use pockets if I'm expecting a poop due to ease of spraying, but otherwise I use covers/fitteds or covers/flats/prefolds

  39. Love my prefolds & covers just wish they werent so bulky when I trifold

  40. Fingers crossed to win! ;)

    I would love to try flats and covers. My son weighs 8 lbs at 7 months(micro preemie) and he has extremely skinny thighs.

  41. Yes and i love prefolds and covers they hold the most for us day and night i use diaper rite prefolds and a lot of different brand covers

  42. Love prefolds!! Especially the grovia ones! I use them as inserts in pockets for the toddler and use some infant GMD pad folded in covers for the baby.

  43. I love my prefolds. I got them initially because my DD was too small for the stash of BG 4.0 I got, but I fell in love with the versatility, the absorption & the room they left in the diaper bag.

  44. I have not been able to try cloth diapering yet since I am still in the third trimester, but prefolds and covers are some of what I'm most interested in about cloth diapering.

  45. I did use prefolds while my daughter was an infant, next time around I will probably use them longer!

  46. We are hoping to use pre-folds and covers when baby get's here. It makes the most sense to us.

  47. I used prefolds and cover for newborn. Love Grovia.
    TY for the chance

  48. I love this cover over fitteds too. I use prefolds for daytime. Bamboo may be a good option for night.

  49. most of my stash for my son is prefolds and covers and i love them. i was a ft handwasher for well over a year so it was sort of essential!

  50. I am looking forward to using prefolds and covers. I have no experience with them so it will be a learning experience!

  51. Not only do prefolds/covers offer more affordability and absorption, but they are a must with 3 little ones in diapers with their faster drying time.

  52. We are still waiting on baby #1 but et plan on using prefolds and covers during the newborn phase for sure. I like that they are cost effective and easy to clean

  53. I use flats and covers although I'm still experimenting to find the best fold for my heavy wetting newborn!

  54. we used prefolds and covers and they suited us just fine!

  55. I prefer pockets, but i would try prefolds...

  56. I've used prefolds and covers I like them its economical and you don't have to stuff pockets.

  57. Have been dying to try a grovia prefold and a rumparooz, not to mention a snappi never tried any of the three
